Postgraduate Diploma Programme

An intense, pre-PhD programme for talented students


Grading System

Grading System

The grades are based on a combination of problem sets, and course final exams.

Final course grades are:

> 90% = E (Excellent)
75-90% = A (Very Good)
65-74% = B (Good)
50-64% = C (Satisfactory)
<50% = F (Fail)

The grade-point equivalent is:

E = Excellent = 4.0
A = Very good = 3.0
B = Good = 2.0
C = Satisfactory = 1.0
F = Fail = 0.0

Grades for thesis:
The diploma dissertation is graded on the basis of its content and the thesis defense. The grades for the dissertation are as follows:

  • Good
  • Pass
  • Fail

To receive the ICTP Postgraduate Diploma, a student must successfully complete course work, and write an acceptable Diploma dissertation. A student will not be allowed to continue in the Postgraduate Diploma Programme if he/she gets two or more 'F' grades.
